ā€¨Galileilaan11 - 302
2845 Niel
BE 0804.410.706
Making the world a flourishing place with friendly bacteria.
Our friendly bacteria raise a number of frequently asked questions in addition to wonder.
BioOrg microorganisms are a blend of 11 different positive bacteria that are champions at purifying various organic contaminants and removing the sticky layers that hold them. Eleven different species have been selected from various European forests and work together in a living ecosystem to remove visible and invisible contaminants.
Yes and no, the bacteria in the BioOrg products used by yufo are present as spores. This means that they grow only when they find food (energy) in their environment. This happens at the moment of atomization. As long as they are present in the package, they remain as spores, in a kind of dormant state.
No, they are beneficial bacteria, completely harmless to humans, animals, plants and the environment. They have been part of the human microbiome for centuries, which means these bacteria have been on and in us for a very long time. They also help strengthen our immune system.
Indoor spaces are filled with harmful particles floating in the air we breathe. These particles negatively affect our breathing. For example, particles block the absorption of oxygen by our lungs. Other pollutants in our air irritate us with their smell or cause other more or less serious diseases. It is always advisable to change the room regularly. But in some cases, unfortunately, the outside air, although vital if healthy, is sometimes polluted.